Experience the stunning complexity of 3D fractals, in realtime!

Following the successful launch of our first plugin, Essence, we are proud to introduce Machina-Fractals: Mecha.

This revolutionary tool offers real-time fractal exploration in Unreal Engine 5,

setting a new standard in the realms of digital art and game development.


Just drop one of our BluePrints in your scene, and Bob’s your uncle!

You’re ready to explore these mindbending structures and shapes.

In realtime, baby!


  • Six new fractal formulas including Amazing Surf and Uber Menger.

  • Over 100 PBR textures specially designed for fractals.

  • VR support for a fully immersive experience.

  • Houdini Engine/FX plugin integration for generating meshes.


Perfect for animations and live performances,
Mecha includes features that enhance visual output through dynamic texturing and unique emission effects.
Texturing based on iteration number and Orbit trap.
Mecha also have looping parameters, perfect for VJ’s creating loops and stunning visuals for their stage shows.
VR is supported on capable hardware for a fully immersive experience.

Adding to its list of features, Mecha includes over 100 textures, especially designed for fractals.

Some with adjustable Metallic, Roughness, Specular, and Emission settings.

The Macro Variation setting allows for seamless dirt textures, getting rid of possible seams.

These textures can be applied based on the Slope angle, Orbit trap settings from the fractal, or RGB colors. 

Machina Fractals: Mecha opens up a world of limitless possibilities for real-time 3D fractal exploration and rendering.

The project file includes:
6 Fractal formulas optimized for real time rendering.
2 Blueprint examples about VJ visuals, showcasing how Fractal parameters can be animated dynamically.
9 example levels for cinematic use of Fractals and 3 VJ example levels which you can play in Realtime.

we recommend at least 8GB of video memory for a smooth real-time experience in most scenes.