Haven't you always wondered how fractals are born?
So have we...

Dive into "Conception," a striking short film exploring the life cycle of a Mandelbulb fractal.
Through a stunning display of visual storytelling,
this film traces the geometric evolution of a fractal from its inception to its complex maturity.

Using Autodesk Flame and Boris FX Sapphire plugins for post production, Conception achieves its cinematic polish.
Depth of field, sophisticated color correction, glows were meticulously crafted in Flame,
culminating in a distinct visual look that makes every frame a work of art.

Experience the elegance of fractal geometry in motion with "Conception,"
where art meets mathematics in a dance of pixels and possibilities.

Directed, Animated, Composited - by Jesper Nybroe

Fractal formulas- by Matteo Scappin

Audio and sound FX - by Samaquias Lorta